monkeydo success stories

Learning to play...better

"Coach Seanobi really looks after his students and I am so pleased I did a program with him. I am well over retirement age and despite doing yoga, I had been having pain in my right leg going upstairs. I also felt I was getting a bit stiffer in some of my yoga poses. After following Sean's teaching I am now able to go upstairs without pain and am getting more flexible in yoga. Sean gave me detailed instructions on how to do the remedial exercises and tailored them to all my problems. He has also taught me how to "become my own coach" by following his unique set of principles. I thoroughly recommend him to anyone who is having joint/mobility issues."

Julie D, UK

"After just a few weeks with Sean's programming my back seems to have miraculously healed. After several months of pain and limitation and no good answers from doctors or PTs, Sean was able to pinpoint my weaknesses and give me a simple path to healing it. Couldn't be happier with the result!"

Wilson K, UK

"I've always been a pretty active guy, but being chained to a cubicle midlife was leading to some chronic hip pain. Sean was very familiar with this phenomena, and knew how to pinpoint the issue quickly. He worked with me to build new habits. Before I knew it, ahhhh… pain gone!"

David C, Colorado

"I'm 76 and woke up one morning and my eyes had gone all wonky. Couldn't focus at all or see anything close to me. I thought I was having a stroke. I got checked out and my eyes were 20/20 at distance, but I needed reading glasses, so they prescribed glasses with prism lenses. They worked ok but I didn't like them. I was talking to my son Sean (Coach Seanobi) about it and he told me to try some eye exercises instead. He thought my eyes were just "getting weak" because many people stop moving their eyes independently as they get older, opting to just move their whole head instead. I thought that was crazy, until I caught myself doing it ALL THE TIME! So I did exactly what he said to do, and in about two weeks, I noticed that I wasn't seeing well with the glasses on anymore, so I stopped wearing them, and my eyes have been back to normal ever since. I couldn't be more happy, obviously. Well done, son. "

Terry H, Arizona

"The last 3 months have been quite an experience for me. My neck moves freely, I have strength and flexibility in my knees that surprises me. My shoulder no longer keeps me awake at night and I have an amazing range of movement. The way your program is designed with goals that are incrementally achieved gave me the confidence to move in ways I would not have attempted on my own. Thank you for outlining a program beyond the 12 weeks that I can build on to keep exploring more flexibility and pain free movement."

Michael M, Washington

"I've suffered with a myriad of bass playing-related strains and injuries over the years, and a carpal tunnel diagnosis left me questioning my career choice. However, one session with Sean and six consistent weeks of training left me practically symptom-free, and staying consistent with the routine has me in better playing shape than ever - two intense four-hour gigs in a day is no problem now. MonkeyDo gets it done."

Wyatt W, Colorado

"I race motorcycles and rebuild engines. It's hard on my hands and forearms. Last year they started locking up on me and I'd wake up in pain. I knew if it got worse it could threaten my livelihood and become dangerous for my sport. Quitting wasn't an option so I hired Sean. He put me through some quick tests and gave me a simple hand and wrist routine I could do anywhere a few minutes at a time. In about a month my hands felt stronger AND looser than they had in years, and now I know how to keep them that way. Worth every penny."

Matt C, Colorado

"Thanks to Coach Sean for his vast knowledge and great teaching manner!"

Gary M, Colorado

"Sean demystified my knee injury and I now have an understanding of how it works and what to focus on. I am so glad to say that I have been pain free for a couple of months now. I feel so much stronger because of my work with Sean. I love his insights and innovative approaches to body mechanics."

Lynn J, California

"I've been training with Sean for over 9 years and I enjoy every moment of it. I enjoy the humor. I enjoy the movement. I enjoy being able to do things I never imagined I could do."

Lisa R, Virginia

"Sean was my trainer for several years, and he is innovative and challenging, I can’t wait to work with him again!"

Eric M, Kansas

"I have been attending Seanobi’s group movement classes for a month now and I LOVE them! He has found the perfect balance between a serious workout and play, and he attracts people with amazing attitudes on life. These classes immediately became one of my weekly rituals. Highly recommend!"

Aurelie R, Colorado

"First thing you should know about Sean – he’s very intelligent. This might be an unusual spot to start for a movement coach recommendation, but bear with me. He’s someone who will take a long moment to consider your goals, your needs, where you want to go, and where you are right now. He does an excellent job breaking down complex movements into a series of progressions, and tailoring what you WANT to what you CAN...Bonus: once you get to know Sean a little, you will learn that he has a delightfully quirky sense of humor – you will not be bored. Ten out of five stars!"

Lena Y, Maryland

I’ve trained with Sean for 5+ years. During that time he focused on range of motion, strength, core and balance exercises that support normal everyday activities. He mixes up the routine to keep it interesting and challenging. As a result, at age 68, I am able to snow & water ski, golf, bike, hike, Standup paddle board, swim, kayak and do hand stand shoulder presses against a wall.”

Jerry L, Virginia